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Welcome to STUDY in PNG website . This website provides general  information about studying in Papua New Guinea and the Pacific. 

Our Work
We understand the  constraints many students face in while searching for up-to-date information ; and for that reason, this website was developed to provide avenues where students can get useful information on finding opportunities to support their studies. Our work is to provide latest information on study opportunities to aspiring students. We  publish latest information from latest education news, scholarships and opportunities  from governments, organisations, business, individual and institutions that are available in PNG and the Pacific. .  

How to publish a Educational Announcement
If you are an institution, or a Government body, Business House or an Organisation that provides information on education news and would like to publish your  announcements on this website, we welcome you. We publish scholarships announcements FREE of charge. Do contact us on : email:scholarshipsforstudy@gmail.com 

How you can Make a difference in someone's life?
You stumbled upon this website was not by mistake but  because you were  searching for a particular information. If that  information you found on this website was worthy and resourceful to you, then it is also be resourceful to others and you can make a difference in their lives. We are simply asking you to share the posts that we publish them on this site  on your social network, email or other forms of media. 

We have large unique visitors and pages views  on this website. We have huge followers on our social media network. Thus if you want to take the opportunity to promote your business to a larger audience, we invite you to place an ad on this website.   Check more on : Advertisement 


Please note that we do not represent any institutions or individuals, organisations mentioned  and the information posted on this site are for general references. We normally put a link or acknowledge the publisher by providing contacts or links back to the originating source or publisher. Do follow the links to get the necessary information on the said scholarships. See our full disclaimer page for details

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