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APTC Recruitment Drive for PNG Students

Madang and West New Britain Student Recruitment Drive

Do you have experience in Carpentry, Commercial Cookery, Electrical, Light Vehicle Mechanical trade, Hospitality and Tourism and want to upgrade your skills?

Come and see the Australia Pacific Training Coalition (APTC) Recruitment Team to learn about the application process and the courses offered in Papua New Guinea.

Bring the following supporting documents if you are interested in applying for an APTC course:

• A passport size photo

• Proof of identity – certified copies of your passport, birth certificate or driver’s license

• Most recent work references with dates of employment on a company letterhead

• Education qualifications and transcripts

Please bring a standard calculator and a small dictionary if you are required to sit for a test.

For applicants yet to sit for the Literacy, Language and Numeracy test and the Vocational Knowledge Assessment test, this is your opportunity to attend and sit for these tests.

Due to COVID-19, please adhere to the ‘Niupla Pasin’ and wear your MASKS.

Details of the recruitment drive are provided in the poster 

Next : List of Job Vacancies at PNG IBS University

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