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University of Papua New Guinea to elect SRC

 THE University of Papua New Guinea (UPNG) in partnership with the Electoral Commission (EC) has begun its election process for the a new Student Representative Council (SRC) with polling ready to take place over the weekend.

Director of the UPNG student services Joseph Wasem told The National that they had tried to accommodate the polling process during the consolidation week so that there were no interferences to the normal academic activities.

“Since the reinstatement of the SRC in 2020, a lot of student issues have been heard and dealt with which is an improvement for the university, that is why we (student services) support the idea of SRC body being in place,” he said.

“As a university, we prioritise academia and therefore we look to complete campaigns this week and go into polling during the weekend before resuming normal classes next week,” he said.

Wasem said that they had made formal arrangement to engage returning officers from the EC.

“Our schedule is also based on the agreement between the university and the EC to have the election process done formally and in a timely manner.

“We appeal to all candidates to work within the set dates and have this election completed successfully and peacefully.”

The National / Study in PNG 

Next : Teachers , Students throughout PNG warned to return to class

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