Pacific Oil Establishes Prof Pumwa scholarships for PNG University of Technology Mechanical Engineering final year students
Pacific Oil (PNG) Company in partnership with the PNG University of Technology have launched an Engineering Scholarship Program in memory of PNG’s first Engineering Professor John Pumwa.
The Professor John Pumwa Scholarship will be awarded to four students with Mechanical Engineering Department at the University.
The launching of the scholarship was held at the Mechanical Engineering department and witnessed by representatives from Pacific Oil Company and the Mechanical Engineering Department.
“The program will roll out with the Mechanical Engineering department and will continue for a number of years,” according to Pacific Oil Company representative Ms Melisha Yafoi.
“As an inaugural start, four students will be awarded the scholarship,” Ms Yafoi said. Selection will be based on academic performance from top students within the department.
The scholarship program is in honour of the late Professor John Pumwa who is the first Papua New Guinean to gain a Ph.D and Professorship in Engineering. He served as the Dean of the Engineering School until his passing.
As part of the scholarship, recipients need to graduate from the University and will be given a three year working stint with the company..
The scholarship is a step forward with the Mechanical Engineering department to give its students an opportunity to work experience and benefits to top performing students. Thus, students can continue further studies abroad.
“ I really appreciate the help from you to sponsor our students continue to the highest degree because that is where we are facing challenges, there are many who are supporting our bachelor program and none for the higher program,” said Mechanical Engineering Head of Department Dr Shoeb.
An MOU will be signed between the company and the school to continue the scholarship program in two weeks time.
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