GPA and Entry Requirements for Pacific Adventist University PAU

 Below are the GPA and Entry requirements for Pacific Adventist University PAU- From  Information Sheet. 

Undergraduate Admission Requirements

Academic eligibility for admission into Pacific Adventist University undergraduate courses is gained upon meeting at least one of the following requirements:

- The successful completion of Year Twelve High School Certificate or its equivalent as prescribed later in this section.

- The successful completion of a diploma or degree from a recognised tertiary institution.

High School Certificate Requirements

HSC (Higher School Certificate) - Papua New Guinea

- Matriculation: A pass in 4 subjects, including English with a minimum of  upper C level pass.

- A pass score 50% and/or above in the STAT-P test.

FSLC (Fiji School Leaving Certificate) - Fiji

- Matriculation: A pass in for subjects, including an upper C in English  with an aggregate score of not less than 250 points.

PSSC (Pacific Senior Secondary Certificate) - Kiribati, Samoa, Solomon  Islands, Tonga, Vanuatu

- Matriculation: A pass in 4 subjects, including English, with an aggregate  score of not more than 13 points.

- A pass is defined as a rating of 4 or less on a scale of 1 (highest) to 9  (lowest), in a subject. English should be passed at 3 or better.

HSC (Higher School Certificate) - New South Wales, Australia

- Matriculation: A pass in 4 subjects, including English. 65 UAI.

SSC (Senior School Certificate) - Queensland, Australia

- Possession of a Senior Certificate which records the study of at least 4

Board subjects, including English for 4 consecutive semesters.

- A Tertiary Entrance Statement in which the applicants overall position  (OP) in Board subjects is recorded 1-13.

- A Tertiary Entrance Statement in which is recorded field positions from 1-6 in English (Written Expression) and Mathematics.

NZ NCEA (New Zealand National Certificate of Educational Achievement

Level 2) - New Zealand

- Matriculation: Passes in 4 subjects, including English, with an aggregate

score of not more than 13 points.

- A pass is defined as a rating of 4 or higher, on a scale of 1 (highest) to 9  (lowest), in a subject

- A Tertiary Entrance Statement in which is recorded field positions from

1-6 in English (Written Expression) and Mathematics

NB: Cultural and vernacular subjects are not accepted in the calculation of the aggregate scores for determining entrance.

Special Admission Requirements

 In addition to standard entry requirements, the following courses require  additional prerequisites or have advanced standing arrangements as outlined below.

Bachelor of Arts

 This program is offered to students who score a minimum B in all their  Higher School Certificate subjects, as it involves a broad multi-disciplinary  program, students can choose from a wide variety of course combinations.

The GPA required for this course is 2.50 and above.

Bachelor of Business

 A minimum of B pass in Mathematics at the Matriculation level is required.

No prior work experience is required. Students need to achieve a GPA of

2.70 or better at their matriculation to be admitted in this programme.

Diploma of Business (Sonoma Adventist College) articulation to

Bachelor of Business

 Students who have successfully completed the requirements of Diploma of

Business (Accounting and Entrepreneurship) or the Diploma of Business (Accounting and Management) from the Sonoma Adventist College (SAC) will be  deemed to have met the requirements for the first two of either the Bachelor  of Business (Accounting and Entrepreneurship) or the Bachelor of Business  (Accounting and Management) programme on the basis of the direct transfer of their academic credit to the new award. Student must then complete  four (4) further semesters (2 years) of study to meet the requirements of the degree.

 Students who completed a Diploma in Business Studies from SAC with  the old curriculum through affiliation agreement will need to have achieved  a cumulative GPA of 2.70 in the. diploma studies and have relevant work  experience in order to be considered for admission directly into the third year

of the degree programme. Students in this category who have achieved a  cumulative GPA between 2.20 and 2.70 may be considered for admission  into the second year of the degree programme.

 Students who graduated prior to the affiliation agreement with a minimum  cumulative GPA of 2.20 in the diploma programme may be considered for  admission into the first year of the degree programme

Bachelor of Education (Secondary)

 A minimum B pass in Mathematics A for students taking Chemistry, Mathematics or Physics as content areas. A minimum upper C pass in subjects directly related to major and minor content area. However, exception is made  for Religious Studies since this subject is not always studied at Higher School Certificate level.

Bachelor of Midwifery

Successful applicants must demonstrate:

- Current registration as a Registered Nurse with the Nursing Council of  PNG or equivalent body in another country;

- Grade 12 completion;

- Diploma of Nursing (3 years) or Bachelor of Nursing (4 years);

- Minimum 2 years of clinical experience in nursing (while 6 months working in maternity care is  preferred, it is not a requirement for acceptance;

- Evidence of ongoing professional development as demonstrated  through inservice attendance, conferences, workshops or the like;

- Recommendation and approval of student from the current employer in the form of an endorsement letter;

- Evidence of interest and commitment to midwifery (demonstrated  through the submission of a short essay with application form; and

- Good moral character and a willingness to order their lives in harmony  with the aims and philosophy of the institution.

Bachelor of Nursing

 A minimum of upper C pass in Mathematics A or a minimum B pass in  Mathematics B; plus a minimum upper C pass in on science subjects (Biology, Chemistry, or Physics). NB with a GPA of 2.60 or better.

Bachelor of Science

 A minimum B pass in Mathematics A or a minimum B pass in two science subjects (Biology, Chemistry, Physics)

Diploma in Ministerial Students (SAC) articulation to Bachelor of  Ministry & Theology

 The full Bachelor of Ministry & Theology programme is not offered at the Sonoma Adventist College (SAC). Students who wish to apply for admission to  the degree on the Koiari Park campus must have first successfully completed  the requirements for the 360 semester credit point PAU Diploma in Ministerial  Studies programme in SAC with a demonstrated ability to succeed in higher  levels studies. Entry to the degree programme will require the attainment of  a cumulative GPA of 2.70.

Postgraduate Admission Requirements

 Academic eligibility for admission into Pacific Adventist University’s postgraduate courses is gained upon meeting the specific requirements for the  chosen programme of study as outlined below.

Bachelor of Science (Honours)

 Academic eligibility for admission for direct admission into the Bachelor of

Science (Honours) is met if a prospective student has achieved a minimum

PAU GPA of 2.70, or the equivalent at another institution, in a relevant baccalaureate degree. Applicants for the Bachelor of Science (Honours) must also  have good moral character and a willingness to order their lives in harmony  with the aims and philosophy of the University. Relevant work experience may be taken into account for research degree admission.

Master of Leadership and Management and Postgraduate Diploma in Leadership and Management

 Academic eligibility for direct admission into the Master of Leadership and  Management is met if:

- A prospective student has achieved a minimum PAU GPA of 2.70 or the

equivalent at another institution, in a relevant Bachelor’s degree; OR

- A prospective student has successfully completed two postgraduate

level subjects and for those subjects has achieved a minimum PAU GPA  of 2.70 or the equivalent at another institution.

 The Postgraduate Diploma in Leader and Management serves as an indirect entry point for those who do not initially meet the minimum GPA 2.70.

 Academic eligibility for admission into the Postgraduate Diploma in Leadership and Management is met if:

- A prospective student has achieved a PAU GPA of 2.20 or above, or the  equivalent from another institution, in a relevant Bachelor’s degree.

 A student enrolled in the Postgraduate Diploma in Leadership and Management will be eligible for an enrolment transfer into the Master of Leadership  and Management, subject to successful completion of 2 subjects with a GPA  of 2.70 or higher. Applicants for either the Master in Leadership and  Management or Postgraduate Diploma in Leadership and Management must also:

- Have at least 2 years work experience or be currently employed in the  development industry; and

- Be recommended by their employer or other relevant superior in their professional field; and

- Have a commitment to serving diverse peoples and communities; and

- Have a good moral character and a willingness to order their lives in harmony with aims and philosophy of the university.

Master of Philosophy

 Academic eligibility for direct admission into the Master of Philosophy is met if:

- A prospective student has achieved a minimum PAU GPA of 2.70, or the equivalent at another institution, in a relevant baccalaureate degree;


- A prospective student has successfully completed two postgraduate  level subjects and for those subjects has achieved a minimum PAU GPA  of 2.70 or the equivalent at another institution.

 Applicants for the Master of Philosophy must show evidence of ability  in research and writing and must also have good moral character and a  willingness to order their lives in harmony with the aims and philosophy of  the University. Relevant work experience may be taken into account for research degree admission.

Master of Theology

 Academic eligibility for direct admission into the Master of Theology is met if:

- A prospective student has achieved a minimum PAU GPA of 2.70, or the  equivalent at another institution, in a relevant baccalaureate degree; OR

- A prospective student has successfully completed two postgraduate  level subjects and for those subjects has achieved a minimum PAU GPA of 2.70 or the equivalent at another institution.

Where the proposed research is in the area of Biblical Studies, it will be  expected that the student has already undertaken two Greek subjects and/  or two Hebrew subjects at the undergraduate level.

Master of Education (Christian Educational Leadership) and Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Christian Educational Leadership)

 Academic eligibility for direct admission into the Master of Education (Christian Education Leadership) is met if:

- A prospective student has achieved a minimum cumulative PAU GPA  of 2.70 or the equivalent at another institution, in a relevant Bachelor’s  degree; OR

- A prospective student has successfully completed two postgraduate level subjects and for those subjects has achieved a minimum cumulative PAU GPA of 2.70, or the equivalent at another institution.

 The following are also required to be considered for admission into the  Master of Education (Christian Educational Leadership).

- A minimum of 2 years teaching/administrative experience in secondary schools or related roles in education.

- Eligible applicants may seek advanced standing by submitting documentary evidence of course completed at the time of initial enrolment. The  Course Coordinator will then determine the number of units of credits.

- And subjects to be granted. Advanced standing for this course will be  considered in accordance with the university policies on academic credit regulations

- A recommendation letter from the respective head teacher/school administrator.

- Applicants must also be able to meet the criteria of good moral character  and a willingness to order their lives in harmony with the aims and philosophy of the institution.

- Applicants with equivalent or alternative qualifications will be considered  on merit.

- Considerations may be also made for those working in other educational  related organizations and are keen in pursuing leadership roles in the area  of Christian Education.

Responses to Applications

 Applicants will be advised by mail and/or email as soon as practicable  that PAU has received their applications. Successful applicants will normally  be officially advised of an offer of acceptance into PAU course in early December.

 PAU may decline to admit any person in any year or course of study on the grounds of:

- Applicants not satisfying the University’s academic requirements at this  University or at other institutions

- Applications exceeding the quotas that have been set by the Academic  Senate for a given course

- Applicant not satisfying the University’s moral standards

 The university reserves the right to decline admission of any person without necessarily specifying reason.

 The Academic Registrar will notify all successful applicants via letter or  email after the Academic Senate has formally approved the list of accepted  applications. All students accepted for study at Pacific Adventist University  must sign an agreement that while registered as students of the University,

they will adhere to the high moral standards of the University and not consume alcohol, use tobacco, betelnut, and illicit drugs on and off campus or  bring such substances on the campus.

Student Responses to Offers of Acceptance   Offers of place at Pacific Adventist University are open for a limited time  only and successful applicant must advise the University in writing of the acceptance to the University’s offer. Applicants who fail to advise the University  within the given specified time may have their offers withdrawn and the University Admissions Office may reallocate them to other applicants.

For more information, contact PAU through the following details.

Pacific Adventist University

Private Mail Bag, BOROKO 111

National Capital District

Papua New Guinea

PHONE: +675 7411 1300

FAX: +675 328 1257




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