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Four women appointed to permanent UPNG council

 THE University of PNG now has a permanent council in place, says university Chancellor Robert Igara.

“Since January 2019, this university had interim councils and with significant uncertainty,” he said during the announcement in Port Moresby recently.

“The appointment ensures the modernisation and transformation strategy that had been prepared by the interim council based on university-wide consultations within the university community,” he said.

The UPNG council members are Goiye Gileng, Clement Waine, Gerea Aopi, Maria Kokop, Peter Eafeare, Kymberley Kepore, Charlie Gilichibi, Robin Fleming, Winnie Kiap and Shelley Launa.

Independent member, the secretary for Higher Education Research Science and Technology, appointed former PNG ambassador to the EU and former chief secretary Joshua Kalinoe as his nominee on the council.

Igara remains chairman of the council while Vice-Chancellor Prof Frank Griffin remains a member.

Igara said the new permanent council was appointed following public advertisements, 41 people applied.

The evaluation and final recommendations were conducted by a council appointments committee comprising Igara (chairman), Griffin, Peter Baki (former secretary for Education), Lady Winifred Kamit, Dentons Lawyers and former chairman of ANZ PNG and Gabriel Pepson, the Chancellor of IBS University.

“The new permanent çouncil members bring significant expertise and experience to the council by combining some members of the interim council with new members,” Igara said.

“I am delighted to have on the council four eminent Papua New Guinean women, which is a significant increase from having only one woman member on the interim council for the past four years.”

TheNational/study in PNG

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