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Special Tertiary Admission Test (STAT - P) for University of Goroka and Unitech

 Are your planning to study at the University of Goroka (UOG) and the University of Technology (Unitech) in Papua New Guinea? These two universities require Special Tertiary Admission Test (STAT - P).  STAT-P is an admissions requirement of the PNG University of Technology (PNGUOT) and the University of Goroka (UOG). The test is compulsory for applicants to the PNG University of Technology (PNGUOT) and the University of Goroka (UOG).

Thus students applying to study at these two universities must pass the test. 

Thats is :

  • All School Leavers (SLs) applying to PNGUOT or UOG, and
  • All pre-service non-School Leavers (non-SLs) applying to UOG.

If School Leaver (SL ) applicants to PNGUOT and UOG, and pre-service non-SL applicants to UOG do not obtain STAT-P test results, they will not be considered for admission to the two universities.

One new STAT-P TEST CENTRE (Wabag) has been added on the list of test centres for this year bringing the total test centres to Eighteen (18).

UOG Student Administration Office

Phone: 531 1735

WhatsApp: 79761747 or 72346921

Email: statpenquiries@uog.ac.pgDownload:

STAT-P Brochure

Media Statement

STAT-P Posters

STAT-P Readmore... 

Communications with STAT Office

All applicant communications from ACER will be through the ACER Account Messaging System.

Once applicants have created their ACER Account (part of the test registration process) they will have access to this messaging system.

To access 'Messages', log in to your ACER User Account and click on the 'Messages' option at the top of the page.

Emails will only be sent if a valid email address has been provided in your ACER User Account. Emails are additional to messages sent to your ACER Account Messaging System. You can add an email address to your ACER Account yourself. Please see the Register webpage for details. Email addresses must be successfully validated before ACER will send communications to them. When you add an email address to your account, the system will automatically send you an email to 'validate your ACER account'. Please check your junk mail folder if you do not receive it. You must click on the link in the email to validate your account.

Contact Person

UOG Student Administration Office

Phone: 531 1735

WhatsApp: 79761747 or 72346921

Email: statpenquiries@uog.ac.pg

About the STAT- P Test

The Special Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT P) developed by the Australian Council for Educational

Research (ACER), assist universities in their selection of students.

✓ It allows applicants to demonstrate their ability to cope with tertiary studies, in addition to their grade 12examination results.

Aptitude Test that measures candidates’ aptitude orability (capacity to perform)

✓ Test Questions categorized in two parts:

i. Verbal Reasoning

ii. Quantitative Reasoning

✓ Test Duration: 2 Hrs 10 Mins

  • Used by the PNG University of Technology(PNGUOT) since 2016

✓ Used by University of Goroka (UOG) since2017

Who Is Eligible To Do The STAT-P Test?

✓ School leaver applicants to PNGUOT

✓ School leaver applicants to UOG

✓ Non-school leaver applicants to UOG (Pre-Service)








✓ Mt. Hagen


✓Port Moresby


✓Wabag (new)









✓ Test Bookings Open: Tuesday, 28th September 2021

✓ Test Bookings & Payments Close: Sunday, 24th October 2021

✓ Test Dates: Monday, 8th – Saturday, 13th November 2021

✓ Test Fee: K100.00 per applicant (non-refundable)

Test Payment

Test Fee Payment

Test fee is non-refundable and must be paid AFTER reserving a place. STAT P test fee

payments can be made up until the close of registrations, i.e 24th October 2021.

Acceptable forms of payment:

✓ cash deposit at a bank branch

✓ Online payment method (internet banking) or

✓ At PNGUoT where a receipt can be provided to you referencing your unique

payment description (provided to you in your 'STAT P Unverified Registration and

Payment Information' email/message).

**Any other method of payment is only acceptable if the receipt references your unique

payment description. Payment queries should be directed to the STAT P Officer at

PNGUoT stat-p@pnguot.ac.pg.

Once STAT Booking is complete, you 'reserve a place' for two (2) weeks


✓ Candidates have two (2) weeks to pay test fee before registration expires

✓ Payment will be verified 24-48 hours upon payment

✓ Booking system will automatically cancel unpaid registrations

✓ ACER will not reserve any bookings for candidates who do not pay after

two weeks of booking. Do Not Contact ACER.

Reserving a place/Registering for the test

✓ If a candidate does not receive a 'STAT P Unverified Registrationand Payment Information' email/message within 2 business  days of making the payment, email a copy of your receipt to
PNGUoT STAT P Officer at stat-p@pnguot.ac.pg.
✓ If your registration expires, you will need to resubmit your
test registration. This reserves a new place from those available. Note that your original session day, time and/or venue may no  longer be available

How to login to your existing ACER account
✓ Go to https://statpngreg.acer.edu.au/ and follow the relevant prompts [school-leaver (current grade 12
student)]/[non-school leaver].
✓ School-leavers and non-school leavers login differently.
** Please do not use the non-school leaver login page if you are a school leaver and vice versa.

School leavers login with SLF number and Family name.
Your login details cannot be amended by you, please do not  try. You can also link to your registration from NOAS (once you have completed a test registration).
✓ Non-school leavers login with email address and password (set by you). You can retrieve your login details from the login  page if you have forgotten them.

Admission Tickets

✓ Admission Tickets will be sent approximately 1 week before  the test via the ACER Messaging System (and via email if your  address has been verified).
✓ Please print your Admission Ticket and bring it with you to the  test. Only applicants that have successfully completed a STAT P  registration and had their payment verified will receive an
Admission Ticket.

Communications with STAT Office

All applicant communications from ACER will be through the ACER Account Messaging System.
✓ Once applicants have created their ACER Account (part of the test registration process) they will have access to this messaging system.
✓ To access 'Messages', log in in to your ACER User Account and click  on the 'Messages' option at the top of the page. Emails will only be sent if a valid email address has been provided in your ACER User

What To Bring on the Test Day
✓ Photo ID card – School ID/NID/Passport
✓ Evidence of Payment (bank deposit slip butt/receipt of payment)
✓ HB Pencils
✓ Erasers
✓ Sharpener
✓ Face Mask
✓ Hand Sanitizer
✓ Water Bottle (optional)
**It is important that all students have a School ID card, NID card, Passport or
valid Drivers License. Failure to produce valid ID cards will result in students
missing out on the STAT P test

✓COVID-19 Protocols of safe hygienic practices will be observed during the STAT P testing.
✓All candidates are asked to bring their own masks, hand sanitizers and practice social distancing

PNGUOT Student Administration Office
Phone: 473 4281 / 4289
WhatsApp: 76106778
Email: stat-p@pnguot.ac.pg
UOG Student Administration Office
Phone: 531 1735
WhatsApp: 79761747 or 72346921

Check out

Official Website 

Source : UOG  / Study in Papua New Guinea 

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