Grade 11 selection lists for 2023

 The Grade 11 selections are done annually by the Papua New Guinea (PNG) Education Department to allow the students to continue their secondary education (Senior High School). The department conducts National Examinations after the students have completed their 10th Grade (Grade 10). These students sit for the National Grade 10 Examinations throughout PNG.  The examination results  together with their Grade 9 and 10 internal marks are combined together to rank the students through a Norm-Referenced assessment criteria. 

Grade 11 selection lists for 2022
 Grade 11 selection lists for 2022 

The Grading System for Grade 10 in PNG

The Grading System used by the PNG Education Department is 

        Percentage Ranking             Grade                           Grade Definition 

  •   5%                                    D                                      Distinction                         
  •  20%                                   C                                      Credit
  • 25%                                    UP                                    Upper Pass
  • 40 %                                   P                                       Pass
  • 10%                                      F                                       Fail 

Or in other words , Top 5 % Distinction, Next 20% Credits,  Middle 24%  get Upper Pass,  Lower 40% Pass, bottom 10% Fail. 

Minimum Requirements for Grade 11 Selections

The minimum requirement set by the National Department of Education is  Upper Pass (UP) and above. This means, students must score atleast Upper Passes and above to be selected for Grade 11.

However, each province in PNG applies both the National minimum requirements as well as quota in selecting their students for Grade 11. 

For the National Minimum requirements, the General Education Services provides eligible student lists to the secondary school principals in each province to do their selections for Grade 11.  

Quota: In this scenario,  a school principal is given a chance to select students who have just missed the minimum requirement. This happens  when the the eligible list is exhausted and there a few more spaces at his/her school to be filled up. 

Grade 10 Examination Results

Students can see Grade 10 Examination results online. For this year, 2022, both the Grade 10 and 12 Examination Results will be made available online. You can see here How to Check Grade 10 and 12 Examination Results online. 

Grade 11 Selections for 2023

  • 1. Grade 11 Selections for National High Schools (School of Excellence)

Students who wish to study at  any of the National High Schools (Schools of Excellence) should have indicated National High School on the Grade 10 School Leaver Form followed by a request letter from Parents/guardian. 

Requirement of  Grade 11 Selections into National High Schools  are

  • All Credits and Distinctions 
  • Indicate a choice on the School Leaver Form
  • A letter of request of selection from Parents (optional).
2.  Grade 11 Selections for Secondary Schools
The minimum requirements for Grade 11 selection into secondary schools is atleast 7 Upper Passes in the  7 subjects (English, Maths, Personal Development, Science and Social Science  and two other optional subjects)  studied at Grade 10. 

Reasons why Students are not Selected for Grade 11
There are several reasons why students miss out on Grade 11 selections. 
  • have not met the minimum requirement
  • incorrect filling of or missing  School Leaver Forms
  • missed examinations marks or no internal marks 
  • bad reports (police and disciplinary reasons)
  • student transferred. 

Grade 11 Selection for 2023- Status 

In the next few weeks of December the Grade 11 selections has commenced. According to the Measurement Services Division (MSD), Grade 10 Examination results are being finalised and given to General Education Services GES to conduct the Grade 11 selections. Selections for Grade 11 are underway now. 

Where/when to see the Grade 11 Final Selection list. We will publish the list on this site  as well and besides, you can also view the list on the Education Website . 

The List below will be activated to links where you can view the  grade 11 selection list online when they are announced. YOU can check back again for further updates.  

The Grade 11 selection list is  not yet  available online. 


Highlands Region

Southern Region 


New Guinea Islands Region 

Selection List for National High School 2023 is available below

>> View List here 

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