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Remington Technology Group Gives K1,000 Cash Awards to Students

 The Remington Group was proud to be a part of the Don Bosco Technical School’s 24th Graduation Ceremony today. Our passion is to provide encouragement to students as they move along their life journeys. So this year we awarded K1, 000 each to three students from the School who have received their Dux of the year awards.

Pictured (L-R): Leedan Towara, Natasha Austin (Group HR Manager – Remington), Peter Goodwin (Remington Group CEO), Erai Buntag and Jeremiah Asobe.. Photo by Remington Technology 

The three students are:

  1. Jeremiah Asobe - Dux of the year in Electrical Trades for ICT 2.
  2. Erai Buntag- Dux of the year in the Grade 12 Electrical Trade Stream.
  3.  Leedan Towara- Dux of the year in the Grade 12 Information Technology Stream.

In addition to presenting the three Dux Awardees prizes, one lucky student, Jumall Tabogani, will have an opportunity to work with the Remington Group after answering an impromptu question from our CEO around Arthur Ashe, the African American tennis legend, who once advised, "Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can".

Congratulations to Don Bosco Technical School, Class of 2021! All the best in your future endeavours!

We are firmly focused on the development of our young people and are committed to helping provide job opportunities to the next generation of Papua New Guineans.

Next : PNG Examination Results, Grade 11 Selections and Tertiary Selections for 2022

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