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University of Technology 2022 Acceptance list for Post Graduates

 The University of Technology (Unitech) in Papua New Guinea has announced the Acceptance List for Post Graduates for 2022 academic year. 

Below is the list of accepted students who will take studies either online or on campus in 2022. 

University of Technology 2022 Acceptance list for Post Graduates
University of Technology 2022 Acceptance list for Post Graduates 



No - Title -  First Name  - Surname  - Program - Department

  1. Mr Inia Bunsa - MSc  - Agriculture
  2. Mr Joseph Kondave -MSc -Agriculture
  3. Mr Peter Kerowane -MSc -Agriculture
  4. Miss Cybill Poiya -MSc -Agriculture
  5. Mr Graffy Hataba -MSc- Agriculture
  6. Mr Bartholomew Apis -MPhil -Agriculture
  7. Miss Shirleyna Aipa -MPhil -Agriculture
  8. Ms Rita Eremuge -MPhil -Agriculture
  9. Mrs Naomi Gomuna -MPhil -Agriculture
  10. Ms Jelmah Wesley -MPhil -Agriculture
  11. Miss Leonnie Leo -MPhil -Agriculture
  12.  Mr Josiah Ayodele -MSc (ACU) -Agriculture
  13.  Mr Nathan Randa -PhD -Applied physics
  14. 1Mr Steven Minana -MTech -Applied Physics
  15. Mr Fredie Galemo -MTech -Applied Physics
  16.  Mr Joebro Hal -MTech -Applied Physics
  17. Miss Shameka Banta -MSc -Applied Physics
  18. Mr John Ape -MPhil -Applied Sciences
  19. Miss Stephanie Anis -MPhil -Applied Sciences
  20. Mr Dasol Ponge MPhil -Applied -Sciences
  21. Mr Gomi Gipe -PhD -Business Studies
  22.  Mr Desmond Narongou -MPhil-IT -Business Studies
  23.  Mr Philip Fukatine -MPhil-IT -Business Studies
  24.  Mr Nekents Tombe -EMBA -Business Studies
  25.  Mr Keith Smacker -EMBA -Business Studies
  26.  Ms Collettah Kasup -EMBA- Business Studies
  27. Mr John Opri -EMBA -Business Studies
  28.  Mr Jonathan Kindeng -MBA -Business Studies
  29. Miss Marylou Kenny -MBA -Business Studies
  30.  Mr Koi Norum -MBA -Business Studies
  31.  Mr Bruce Jiling -MBA- Business Studies
  32.  Ms Elizabeth Waki -MBA- Business Studies
  33.  Miss Judy KAVON -MBA -Business Studies
  34.  Mr Kuman Wagi -MBA -Business Studies
  35.  Mr Vitus Wiasuka -MBA- Business Studies
  36.  Mr Joe Kaowai MBA Business Studies
  37.  Mr Junior Nyala -MBA -Business Studies
  38.  Mr Miok Michael -MBA- Business Studies
  39.  Mrs Mahrokh Fallahghadi -MBA- Business Studies
  40. Mr Kevin Sarwon -MBA- Business Studies
  41. Mr George Soki -MBA -Business Studies
  42.  Mr Roboam Pebuar -MPhil -Civil Engineering
  43.  Ms Stephanie Knots -MPhil -Civil Engineering
  44. Mr Edward Miall -MSc.SWRM -Civil Engineering
  45.  Mr Koe Nii -MSc.SWRM -Civil Engineering
  46.  Mr Philemon Penai -MSc.SWRM- Civil Engineering
  47.  Mr Andrew Gonapan -MSc.SWRM -Civil Engineering
  48.  Mr IKI Agoname -MSc.SWRM -Civil Engineering
  49.  Mr Michael Agum -MPhil -CDS
  50.  Miss Stephanie Tringin -MPhil -CDS
  51.  Ms McQuina Timiel -MCS -CDS
  52. Ms Tania Peter -MCS -CDS
  53.  Mrs Linneth Mane -MCS -CDS
  54.  Mr Elias Moka -MCS -CDS
  55. Mr Joshua Yuanko -PhD Elect.& Comm. -Engineering
  56. Miss Olive Antonio -MPhil Elect.& Comm. -Engineering
  57.  Mr Matthew Sapmangua- MPhil Elect.& Comm.- Engineering
  58.  Mr Terry Ricky -MEng Elect.& Comm. -Engineering
  59.  Mr Charles Mianok -MEng Elect.& Comm.- Engineering
  60.  Mr Benjamin Tigom -MEng Elect.& Comm.- Engineering
  61.  Mr Samson Tom -MEng -Elect.& Comm. Engineering
  62.  Mr Mondo Karmar- PhD -Forestry
  63.  Ms JUNE Mandawali -MPhil- Forestry
  64.  Mr Cassey Uvau -MPhil- Forestry
  65.  Ms Shienel Samuel -MPhil -Forestry
  66.  Mr Raymond Kuna -PhD -Math & Com .Science
  67.  Miss Samania Ned -MPhil -Math & Com.Science
  68. Mr Alois WEMIN -MPhil -Math & Com.Science
  69.  Mr Luke Kolalio -MPhil -Math & Com.Science
  70.  Mr Sacchi Noreo -MEng- Mechanical Engineering
  71. Mr Jackson Dirua -MEng- Mechanical Engineering
  72. Mr Kialakun Galgal -MEng -Mechanical Engineering
  73. Mr John Kamit -MEng -Mechanical Engineering
  74. Mr Guambo Mondo -MEng -Mechanical engineering
  75.  Mr Emmanuel Mube -MEng -Mechanical engineering
  76.  Mr Paul Kuri -MEng -Mechanical engineering
  77.  M r Jason Iavungi -MPhil -Mining Engineering
  78.  Mr Imen Papa -PhD -Surveying & Land Studies
  79.  Mr Vagi VAGI -MPhil -Surveying & Land Studies
  80. Miss Ruthia Nickson -MPhil -Surveying & Land Studies

Source : UNITECH 

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