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Why Students with High GPA miss out on Tertiary selections in PNG

 Since the introduction of  National Online Application System (NOAS), there have been numerous questions that had arisen and those questions exist today. Some of those unanswered questions include

  • What is NOAS and how does it function?
  • Is the NOAS selection system fair?
  • Why do students with High GPA miss out on Tertiary Selections?
  • Why do students selected NOT based on their choices in the NOAS? 

We at Study in PNG have done a research on these trending questions and we outline below some of the explanations. 

Please bear in mind over 30000 Students compete  for a spot that has 10,000 tertiary spaces,

What is NOAS and How does it function?

NOAS stands for National Online Application System or in other words, it is the online version of the Grade 12 School Leavers Forms (SLF).  This system is used by the Department of High Education, Research, Science and Technology (DHERST) to facilitate Grade 12 school leavers for tertiary selections. 

It is a web based database where Grade 12 students login to access the online SLF. 
  • Students are provided login credentials in July/August annually by DHERST.
  • Students fill out their bio data and decide on their choice preferences in the system. 
  • Students can make changes to their choices prior to the Grace Period ends . 

Is the NOAS selection system fair when it comes to Tertiary selections?

The introduction of NOAS system was to eradicate manual selections by Tertiary Institutions because of alleged selection fraud, bribery and nepotism. 

The NOAS system ranks students from the highest GPA to the lowest without manual interference. Students are then posted to the choices they have indicated in the system ( This happens electronically).

Thus, the system is fair when it comes to selections. 

Why do students with High GPA miss out on Tertiary Selections?

This is an important question many have asked. Is it possible for a student with all "A" grades  in his or her Higher School Certificate to miss out on tertiary selections?

The answer is Yes. 

Lets explain why this is so,

There are three  possible reasons students with HIGH GPA miss out on tertiary selections.

  • Tertiary selection Score
  • Limited Space
  • Incorrect filling of choices in the NOAS. 

1. Tertiary Selection Score

To explain this, lets use the selection criteria for Law at UPNG as an example (not official). 

To study Law at the University of Papua New Guinea, the requirement is all "A" grades across in all subjects studied at the secondary schools (see UPNG website for subject specification)

Then how can a student with "A" grades across all subjects  miss out on studying Law at UPNG? 

Well, there are several reasons for this. 

1. The student has not  met the maximum Tertiary Selection Score (TSS).

A student may have  "A' grade  on his or her certificate  but  the interpretation of that 'A' grade to the selectors (NOAS)  is different. That 'A' grade is divided as follows; 

 -A    A    A+ 

Applying the norm referencing for Grading, for instance  if the cut-off for an 'A' grade in Language and Literature is 70 and above, then ;

- A    70 - 80

  A    81 - 90

+ A   91 - 100 


So now you see the type of 'A' grade a student may have on his / her certificate, whether that 'A' grade on the certificate is  'weak', 'medium' or 'strong'. It is the job of the Measurement Services Division to indicate it on the certificates in the near  future.  

The Measurement Services Division provides the selectors with the Tertiary Selection Scores  (exam results)  besides their Grades. 

For example : The following people applied to study Law at UPNG 

          Tom got  "A" grade in Language & Literature with TSS : 80  = A (80)

          Dick got "A" grade in Language & Literature with TSS : 90    = A (90)  


Aren't both Tom and Dick have "A" grades in L&L  ? However, who is likely to be selected for Law at UPNG with good grades in  Language & Literature?  Definitely Dick because he scored 90 in his final examination results and has 'strong' A grade compared to Tom who scored 80 and also got an A grade.

This also applies to those students who  have  B, C, D & E grades . 

Note: NOAS does not go by GPA rather it  looks at TSS. Thus, the type of Grades student have on their certificate are viewed differently by NOAS so do not calculate your GPA and get frustrated if you miss out because you never know the type of A's and B's you have. 

2. Limited Space

If 4000 students are applying for 120 spaces available for Law at UPNG and  300 students getting  "A" grades across all subjects, then how does NOAs  scale this to 120 students according to the spaces  at UPNG?

Again, NOAS  uses the TSS and selects the students who have maximum score.  Therefore, 180  ( 300 - 120 =   180 ) ​students with "A" will miss out or these students may be placed in institutions they did not apply through the NOAS.  

3.  Incorrect filling out of Choices

This happens when students have not indicated their prepared  choices in the NOAS. Any incorrect filling of Choices in the NOAS system will make students with high GPA ineligible for tertiary selections. 

Why Do Students selected  Not based on Choices they  indicated in NOAS.

The answer to this question is partly answered above but in layman's language, lets put it this way in several scenarios.

Lets say, the requirement to study Business at UPNG is GPA of 3  and the available space at UPNG for Business studies   is  200  (not official).

Scenario 1 : Student 1 with all B grades (GPA of  3)  applied to UPNG to study Business. 

Scenario 2:  Student 2  with  1A and 4B grades (GPA of 3.2) applied for the same course as student 1. 

Scenario 3 : NOAS selects  Student 2 over student 1 and there are more  students with GPA above 3 who applied for Business at UPNG, and NOAs selects them all and fills out the quota. 

Scenario 4:  Given the situation in scenario 3, Student 1 is now pushed out of UPNG selections  for Business. NOAS looks up to other institutions who require GPA of  3 and have spaces available. NOAS puts the student 1 in the institution other than one he/she applied through the NOAS. 

Please note that this is an example to clarify why students miss out. 

Next : PNG University of Technology Post Graduate Fee Structure for 2022

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