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Lylellah Kunai, a pioneer of Australia Awards PNG’s Maritime Cadetship for Women

 Lylellah Kunai, a pioneer of Australia Awards  PNG’s Maritime Cadetship for Women, is now working on a vessel with Consort Express Lines. Prior to applying for Australia Awards, Lylellah had never imagined a career at sea. She was intrigued by the advertisement calling for scholarship applications and was impressed by the professionalism of the cadetship.

Lylellah Kunai, a pioneer of Australia Awards  PNG’s Maritime Cadetship for Women

"The program boosted my self-confidence and gave me newfound direction. I definitely encourage school leavers to have a go.”

Lylellah reflects that her sea-time experience on board Pacific Towing, Consort Express Lines and Swire Shipping vessels was very enriching and the people she worked closely with from these companies were instrumental in her successful training.

Her real-world experiences are ever changing, and she learns something new about sea vessel operations every day.

Applications for Maritime Cadetship for Women are currently open until 8 July 2022.

For more information  follow this link :  Australian Awards Scholarships : Maritime Cadetships for Women in PNG

Source : Australian High Commission PNG 

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