UPNG Koiari students visit Iarowari Agro School
By Edward Maia / FM 100
20 Hiri Koiari Students from the University of Papua New Guinea did a school visitation trip to Iarowari Agro Technical Secondary School,in Central Province yesterday(Thursday) to conduct awareness on UPNG entry requirements, donate books and also to motive students in the importance of Education.
The trip was an awareness by the Hiri Koiari students of the Central Student Union of UPNG.
Hiri Koiari Student Association President Rodwaltas Billy a third year Law student said, the purpose of the awareness is to encourage and motivate more central students to take up studies at UPNG.
“Most of our central students attending secondary schools do not have information on the required GPA, the courses provided and their cut-off marks, the environment etc, so with the awareness, they can align their goals and work towards it,” Billy said.
The awareness program yesterday was divided into two stages.
The introductory stage, where the UPNG Hiri Koiari Sturdents introduced themselves and the purpose of their visit and the presentation of the books collected during the UPNG CSU 2022 Book Donation Drive to the school.
The second stage was when the IATSS Students had the privilege to have one-on-one information session with each UPNG Hiri Koiari Student representative from the courses they are currently studying from the different schools at the University.
According to the Hiri Koiari Student president, the awareness is an annual event where the UPNG Central Student union that Hiri Koiari comes under, discusses ways to give the schools in the central province hope for a university entry, to donate books and also provide service in the much-needed schools and communities in the province.
Meanwhile, President Rodwaltas Billy is calling on the local MPs and the central Governor to assist not only UPNG but other universities willing to help develop human resources and at the same time encourage future Central students through universities.
He added that if education is part of their policies, why not support this worthy course that can build the human resource of Central Province.
FM 100 / Study in PNG
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