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DHERST sets 12th - 15th December, 2022 Grace Period for School Leavers

 The Department of Higher Education, Research, Science & Technology (DHERST) has set 12th - 15th December 2022 as Grace Period for school leavers (Grade 12 students)  to make necessary changes on the NOAS. 

DHERST says students must not wait for the Grace period when making Choices on the National Online Application System (NOAS).   "Delaying to make your choices to the last minute or waiting to do your choices during the grace period is not advisable. Should you fail to indicate your choices during the APPLICATION PERIOD, you may not be able to do changes to you choices in the GRACE PERIOD. Therefore, you are strongly urged to make your application now or before the grace period (12th Dec – 15th Dec, 2022)".

The DHERST released the following statement 

For students who have transferred, withdrawn last year and/or repeating Gr. 12 will note that your subject combinations are missing from your NOAS account as your respective schools and Measurement Services Division (MSD) is yet to report your marks to DHERST. Once your assessments are complete and MSD reports your information, we should be able to add your subject combination in your account. Thereon, you should be able to make your choices. 

If your subjects are still missing from your NOAS account and are interested to apply to UOT or UOG, choose on the ZZZ Test HEI to register for Stat-P – make sure to save this choice. After you have chosen this institution and programme, go to your My Data section, just before the save button, click the purple registration button to register for your Stat-P. Please read and follow the registration instruction to register for your Stat-P.

NOTE: ZZZ Test HEI is a dummy institution to assist you (students) to register for Stat-P if your subject combinations are missing from your account.

Students are strongly reminded to access your NOAS accounts during the grace period which will eventuate on the 12th – 15th of December 2022. This is a crucial period where you will start making your choices based on your final grade 12 results hence make sure to access your account during the mentioned dates.

If you see red highlight indicated in any of your five choices under “My Choices”, this means that your final result has not met the minimum programme requirement set by the institution. Therefore, you must change the red highlighted choice to a different programme that is available in your programme list.

NOTE: NOAS does not display your final grades and GPA. If you wish to view your final exam results during the grace period, visit Measurement Services Division’s (MSD) website https://www.mypngexamresults.com. For further assistance, do check MSD, your school principal or subject teachers to assist you.

If you are located in a remote area, you are strongly advised to move to an area where there is good network coverage two days prior to the grace period. This is to avoid the situation of you missing the grace period. Please note that grace period dates will remain as it is.

Do take note of the important remaining dates:

Schools that have not entered the Confidential Evaluation of Students (CES) and Differential Aptitude Test (DAT) results should now start entering these information by the class patrons.

Should you have any further queries or need clarification regarding your NOAS account or application, contact 301 2000 or email to noassupport@dherst.gov.pg

Thank you and all the best in your online application.

Also read >>  My PNG Examination Results : How to access Exam Results

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