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PNG University of Technology Online Education Programs provide more learning Opportunities

THE PNG University of Technology is providing more learning opportunities for the working class or people who may not have the time to sit in a lecture room to study,  through its online education programs.

The online education program offers seven-degree courses on online mode in  Communication for Development Studies, Information Technology, Management,  Accountancy, Applied Economics, Property Studies and a new program this year,  Applied Mathematics with 180 new students admitted this year.

PNG University of Technology Online Education Programs provide more learning Opportunities
PNG University of Technology Online Education Programs provide more learning Opportunities 

Program Manager Curriculum Development Alex Kambao stated that online  education is the way forward for Papua New Guineans who cannot come to the  campus for full time studies.

“It is the way forward for digital learning experiences as we strive to meet the  digital world demands in the next five to six years,” Mr Kambao said.

 “It is an advantage for students both working and not working to be part of the  online education as they aspire to attain their degree qualifications in a technology booming world.”  “We can already see with new learning methods, breaking from traditional barriers  of classroom and teacher orientated interactions methods into a self-taught  interaction of learning by utilization of digital technology.”

The online program is offered with parallel timetables to the same programs  offered on fulltime (on- campus) with the same curriculum as part of the  University’s strategic objective to improve its access and externalization of its programs.

“Courses offered online are Bachelors of Arts in Communication for  Development, Property Studies; Business in Accountancy; Business in  Management; Business in Applied Economics; Business in Information  Technology and Bachelor Science in Applied Mathematics.” 

Source: PNGUoT / #StudyinPNG

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