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University of Goroka Focuses on Teacher Training

 THE  Papua New Guinea's University of Goroka (UOG) will concentrate on improving teacher training, restructure in all co-existing programmes to meet workforce demand in the country, says Chancellor Joe Wemin.

Wemin said this while presenting strategic direction reformation to the university council members and chancellor over the weekend.

University of Goroka Focuses on Teacher Training [Photo UOG residential halls]

“We want to make UOG a best quality teacher training institution alone, we want to focus on teacher training at various levels,” he said.

Wemin said the 11 guidelines would guide the reform forward such as auditing, screening the relevance of the programme to ensure they met university audit committee reform and country’s demand before making necessary changes

“We will identify those courses needed for human or manpower development in the country as per higher education sector policy and retain them,” he said.

Wemin said some of the courses that run parallel with the teacher education programme would be provided as well via online.

“Students can stay in their provinces and do that online and graduated, that means we will build the necessary infrastructure and also arrange with the department of communication to do that as well,” he said.

Vice-Chancellor Dr Teng Waninga said the university had a very important responsibility to educated the students to be teachers.

“Our aim and the council is to produce quality teachers so that they bring quality into the schools they go to,” he said.

Wemin said with the restructure, the students would take three years of content and one year of education.

“So we want to make our students feel confidence in the knowledge and the skills that they get on each of the subject area, so that they are well qualified to teach the content subjects like science, English and others,” he said.

He said their focus had been on quality of teacher training.

The National / Study in PNG

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