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University of Goroka Fee Structure and Admission List 2024

The University of Goroka in Papua New Guinea has recently unveiled its fee structure and admission list for the upcoming academic year of 2024. Prospective students can now access crucial information regarding tuition fees and other associated costs, providing them with a comprehensive understanding of the financial aspects of pursuing education at the institution. 

Additionally, the release of the admission list signifies a crucial milestone for applicants eagerly awaiting confirmation of their enrollment. As the University of Goroka continues to play a vital role in shaping the educational landscape in Papua New Guinea, this announcement marks a significant step towards facilitating access to quality higher education for aspiring individuals in the region.

View Admission List here

Admission List 

  1. Post Graduate Acceptance List
  2. Post Graduate In-Service List
  3. Post Graduate Diploma
  4. Non School Leavers Acceptance List
  5. School Leavers Acceptance List


• 2023 Outstanding Tuition Fees MUST be settled together with payments of COMPULSORY FEE Component for 2024 before a student can fully register 

for 2024 Academic Year. This includes the category of students with unsuccessful HELP Loan application status in 2023.


• All Category of students are required to pay the Compulsory Fees component by Monday, 5th February 2024 before Registration. 

• Students are eligible for HELP Loan Scheme after paying the Compulsory Fee Component. 


i. ALL 2024 Tuition Fees are to be paid into the University of Goroka BSP Bank Account Number: 7015847481. Students and sponsors are also encouraged to 

pay fees through online banking by 5th February 2024. 

ii. Fraud Cases in Fee Payments will be dealt with swiftly by Police.

iii. Laptop Fee component for ALL Levels are exempted from the Annual Tuition Fee schedule. But it is a requirement that all student attending UOG 

must own a laptop for online classes.


The selection list for 2024can be accessed on the UoG website: www.unigoroka.ac.pg.

The Acceptance Letters from the University will soon reach you in time before the 2024 Academic year. Please make necessary arrangements as soon as you confirm your 

name on the University Acceptance list.


Orientation and Registration for All New Students will be from the 05th -11th February, 2024. 

Registration for All Students will be from the 12th to the 18th February 2024 and will be conducted in Schools and Institute(s).

Late Registration will be from 19th February to 1st March 2024. A fee of K200 will be charged for the late registration.


The University of Goroka will be hosting its Annual Graduations in December from this year onwards; hence, Orientation and Registration Programs will start on time.

Delays in these programs would be avoided.

All students are required to complete the payment of their Compulsory fee components before the Registration date. 


i. Self -Sponsored Students:

Your travel fares to and from the University will be met by yourself and / or your private sponsors.

ii. Sponsored Students:

Your travel fares to and from the University will be paid by your sponsor. Those on Department of Higher Education, Research Science and Technology sponsorship will 

not be allowed any excess baggage above the normal allowance of 16kgs.

As of Thursday 01st February 2024, the University Bus will meet all incoming flights from the airport. If you arrive after 4:00 pm, telephone the Security 

Office on Phone No. 531 1775 or 531 1750 for pick up.


Date Event

  • 05th February, 2024 Deadline for payment
  • 01st – 05th February, 2024 Students start to arrive on campus
  • 05th – 11th February, 2024 Orientation/Registration for all new intakes
  • 12th -18th February 2024 Registration for Continuing Students
  • 19th February to 1st March 2024 Late Registration [Late Fee of K200.00]
  • 19th February 2024 Semester One Lectures Commence


The Course runs from 19th February to 22nd November 2024. The Academic Year is divided into two semesters of thirteen weeks each. There are Study Breaks in the middle 

of each semester and a vacation between semesters. A copy of the University Calendar will be given to you on arrival. Professional Experience takes place from 22nd July to 

13th September, 2024 for all students except for Pre-Service Levels 1, 2 & 3, Bachelor of Education In-service Levels 1& 2, Level 1 Diploma and Post Graduate students.


Due to the destruction of the Students’ Hall of Residences by the 7.6 Earth Quake in 2022, priority for on campus accommodation will be given to female students on 

National Government TESAS recipients and Corporate Sponsored (DFAT, BEST, OK Tedi) students ONLY. 

Some students would be accommodated Off Campus within the University of Goroka vicinity. 

Fully fee paying students and other Corporate sponsored students apart from the named organization above can contact the Student Welfare Services for Off Campus 

Accommodation arrangements. 

On arrival, students who are successful in obtaining a room on campus and within the university vicinity that are arranged by the University of Goroka Student Welfare 

Services would be issued with a Temporary ID card to access the Dining Hall for meals and a room key which must be kept and returned at the end of the year. 

You will need to bring blankets and pillows with you, or money to buy them in town. Goroka is in the high altitude area and you may need two blankets to keep you warm 

at night. You should naturally bring enough clothing with you to last a year including warm clothing.


Board and Lodging on campus will be made available strictly to School Leavers and Continuing Pre-service Students under government sponsor [AES & HECAS], who pay 

up the full or Compulsory Fees with Board and Lodging component. All debts and outstanding fees for Continuing Students from 2023 must be settled in 

full before commencing 2024 Academic year plus the Compulsory Fee Component for 2024 and to be paid in FULL before registration.

Students failing to meet the above requirement will be denied registration. 

Students under the government sponsor [AES & HECAS] and opt to register with Self-Sponsored component fee would AUTOMATICALLY forfeit their 

boarding and lodging entitlements


All Non TESAS Students, (Pre-service, In-service, PVTE, PGDE, Midwifery & Postgraduates) are required to secure their own accommodation Off Campus. Exceptions are 

made for those PGDE and Midwifery students sponsored by DFAT. 

If you require assistance or further information on Off Campus Accommodation you should contact the Student Welfare Office on Telephone numbers 531 1742 or 531 1750 


Effective 2024, the University will cease the practice of refunding excess tuition fees to students. All Excess Tuition Fees for Continuing Students will be carried forward to the next academic year.

Corporate Sponsors are advised to pay their funds to concerned students’ bank accounts the full amount or make a Bank Cheque payable to University of Goroka TUITION FEE ACCOUNT.

Source : UOG

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