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My Mum Passed away when I was 8 : Story of Mark Daniel Anton

 By: Mark Daniel Anton

My mum passed away when I was 8.

Dad took both roles unto his shoulders.

At that time I never understood the pressures and depressions he was going through. He made sure there's food on the table, new clothes for me and my 2 siblings, lunch money for school and school fees covered.

I began to understand when I first left home and flew to do my year 11 and 12 at Passam National High, the sacrifice he went through as a single parent.

I was fortunate to get selected to pursue my childhood dream of getting a Bachelor Degree in Economics.

Straight after completing my studies in 2020 at UPNG, I got an offer to join Coca-Cola Graduate Development Program.

Thankyou, I felt that on my graduation day I will fly dad over and make sure he gets the best treatment from his son.

With some money I saved while working as a graduate, I did fly him over, got a nice place for him to stay for a week because he had to return back for work. I did managed to cover all expenses without letting him spending a toea.

And Yes, on my graduation day, he opened the bamboo, tears dropped, he said with a smiling face, "Son, I am proud of you and I know your mom is proud of you too".

I literally can't hold back my tears, I hugged him and cried over his shoulders bringing back the childhood memories.

At that moment I realised, my dad is growing old. I can see the smiles he gave was from the core of his heart. I know for sure that I did make my Dad proud and I am thankful that I have such a loving father in my life.



#miss_u_mum / # Study in PNG 

All in all, he was my hero, my role model and most importantly I still try my very best to this date to understand how his relationship with Lord has brought him this far and blessed his life so meaningfully.

Next : Teacher in PNG wins US Humphrey Scholarship to study in USA

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